
Allow me to introduce myself – I’m Claire (bisou bisou*).

There’s lots to know about me, but you’ll discover most of it by reading my posts – because we write best about the things we know, and we tend to know most about ourselves. But if you’ll allow me a few more lines, I’d love to tell you how I arrived at the title for this blog:

FLaM = faith like a mushroom.

I was out walking one day when I saw this squirt of a mushroom poking out from a gash in the asphalt footpath. Closer inspection confirmed that the delicate fungi had wriggled its way through that brute surface to angle its cap towards the sun. It was a beautiful thing to look at; fragility and strength embodied in a small, unassuming scrap of matter. And I thought, aren’t we all like that wee mushroom? It is not our own strength that brings victory, but the strength of what we strain towards.

This, friends, is my mushroom theology! I love to write about my faith in God and the immense freedom gained from that relationship. I don’t mind if you disagree, but I hope you will at least allow these words to percolate, stir questions and then wrestle them through.

Happy reading!

*bisou is French for a little kiss, pronounced BI-zoo. Isn’t it lovely? When I hear it and say it, I always envisage the European mwah on each cheek in greeting and wish that it was an Australian tradition too *sigh* G’day mate just doesn’t have the same ring!

**Special mention to Sarah at Momento Photography, who skillfully snapped my portrait for this blog.

***You can contact me at hello@faithlikeamushroom.com





  1. Pingback: Where faith, undies and mushrooms meet « Faith like a mushroom

  2. Thanks Karen – ditto!! Certainly is a topic close to my heart – God put it there and I’ll do all I can to defend the unborn and help others to fall in love with the unborn.

  3. Hi I’ve nominated you for the Sisterhood Award. I appreciate how you are spreading Jesus for the world to see. See my post today. 🙂

  4. Hi Claire. I spent some time looking through your blog. It’s a very wonderful site! Check out my page for current and upcoming theological and political posts. Follow for follow. Have a great day!

  5. Pingback: What is #FLAMfaces? | Faith Like a Mushroom

  6. amoremaria says

    You yourself are like a little inspirational mushroom. Agree with you about the traditional kiss on the cheek greeting.
    Thank you

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